Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Create Facebook Interest Ads

Interests Ads are the basics of Facebook Advertising. It's a step above boosting posts as it allows you to target people on Facebook on a deeper level.

Interest ads work well because they tackle the main reason why people buy, interest. By picking an interest which fits your product, you significantly increase your click through rate which leads to an increase in your conversion rate.

If find yourself confused by the terms used in the post, check out my 'Crash Course to Digital Marketing Terms'

1. Pick an objective

Facebook Interest Targeting Ads, for Beginners

First things first you'll need to decide on what objective your business is looking for. Usually, if you're looking to make sales, or are in the e-commerce space, you would pick conversions.

2. Name your campaign and set a budget

Facebook Interest Targeting Ads, for Beginners

It is recommended by Facebook as well as experienced advertisers to use Campaign Budget Optimization(CBO). CBO helps you find your best performing ad sets, spending more of your budget on them and increasing your Return on Ad Spend(ROAS).

The daily budget should be set according to how many ad sets you intend to create(10 ad sets is a good amount). A general rule of thumb is to use a campaign budget of $50 if you're planning to do 10 different ad sets.

If you have no experience, use the default of 'lowest cost'. The other options are for highly experienced advertisers who know exactly what they are doing. Doing it wrong will burn through your budget incredibly quickly.

3. Set up your Ad sets

Facebook Interest Targeting Ads, for Beginners

Click next until you make it to the page shown above. You'll want to pick purchase as Facebook automatically optimizes your ads to give you what you ask for. Ask for subscribes, and you'll get likes, ask for purchases and you'll get purchases. Generally, businesses look opt for the option of sales.

Facebook Interest Targeting Ads, for Beginners

Next, you'll need to pick a country. I've found that targeting one first-world country per ad works the best. Also, the default option is 'people living or recently in this location' but just targeting 'people living in this location' works much better.

Leave the other options as vague as possible. As this is still the testing stage, Facebook will begin to provide you with data on the demographic which leads to the most sales. Only then should you target specific age groups or genders.

Facebook Interest Targeting Ads, for Beginners

Under detailed targeting, key in the interests which best fit your ideal customer. You could add several interests into a single ad set, but I've found that splitting them up into multiple ads is much more effective.

Make sure to deselect 'detailed targeting expansion' as it will shred through your budget, and defeat the purpose of targeting specific interests.
Facebook Interest Targeting Ads, for Beginners

As for placements, it's usually advised to only advertise on Facebook and Instagram feeds and stories and deselect Audience Network and Messenger. This allows you to receive higher quality traffic, which leads to more sales.

Leave the ad running continuously and monitor it. If you see your cost per click dipping below $0.90-$1, you may want to consider killing that ad set.

Creating the ad copy and creative should be pretty self explanatory. Facebook has a pretty thorough guide.

If you have any troubles, just leave a comment or shoot me an email!


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