Thursday, April 16, 2020

Digital Marketing Tips to Instantly Increase Your Conversion Rate

I've experimented heavily with digital marketing, spending a lot of time and money, mostly on Facebook Ads but I have dabbled in other platforms as well. Here are some strategies many marketers and I find extremely effective!

Blend in

Alright, you may want to brace yourself for this one.

One of the most effective strategies I've used while advertising is making sure my ad... doesn't look like an ad.

I know, I know that sounds ridiculous, but hear me out.

Imagine coming home from work or school, sitting down and taking a nice relaxing scroll through social media. Suddenly you see a post from some random profile you've never followed. You look at their post and realize, oh, it's just an ad, and you continue scrolling. 

Social media marketing tips, digital marketing tips
In contrast, you sit down, and see something interesting, or closely related to the other posts in your feed. You would be more inclined to stay on the post, give it a read and see what it's about.

People have a tendency to block out ads while scrolling. If your ad looks like an ad, it's not going to be a scroll-stopper. You need something that is interesting, and yet similar to the other posts from your niche. 

Test, test and test

A big mistake I found myself and many others doing was testing one or two copies with one or two ad sets, have that not work out and give up. 

I cannot emphasize how important it is to test, test and test. There are multiple ways you can test different creatives/copies. You can duplicate your ad sets, change the creatives and copies, or you can just use the 'dynamic testing' or 'A/B testing' tool on Facebook. For other platforms like Google, you can just create different campaigns for different keywords.
Checklist,test,check,cross,correct - free image from
It is normal for ads to be unprofitable in the beginning. Once you've found your winners, that's when the money starts rolling in.

Utilize Your Audiences

Once you've done vigorous testing and have gotten some sales and clicks. You have to utilize these sales and clicks. It took me a while to realize how important this is, but when I found this out, I increased my profits significantly

Social media platforms usually have some sort of software which you can use to track users on your website. The more of such users you can record, the better. 

Once you have a sizeable audience, you can start re-targeting those that did not convert, and using those who did convert to create a lookalike audience. 

A lookalike audience is essentially one that mimics the interests and qualities of the audience you own. This means that if you make a lookalike audience of people who converted into sales on your page, you would be able to market to that audience, who have similar qualities to people who purchased from you. 

Hopefully you found this interesting and useful. If you have anything you would like to add, please do leave a comment or reach out to me at ''

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