Saturday, May 9, 2020

How to Create Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences are the single most profitable ads on Facebook. What sucks however, is how difficult it is to get a large enough audience before you can even begin to utilize this tool.

If you do however, have a total of at least 1,000 unique visitors, this is the guide for you.

Lookalike audiences are designed to look for people who 'look like' your audience, hence the name.

They bring down your cost per click, cost per acquisition and hence increases your ROAS.

If you find yourself lost throughout any part of this post, check out my 'Crash Course to Digital Marketing Terms'.

Create an Audience

As mentioned, once you have about 1,000 unique visitors, you would want to create a custom audience based on your website visitors.

 If you're confused as to how you can do this, check out a post I did on 'How to Create Facebook Re-targeting Ads' .

You can also use the custom audience you create to re-target customers who did not convert, as stated in that post.

Unlike re-targeting ads, you don't have to exclude those who have purchased from you.

Create a Lookalike Audience

After creating a custom audience, you can create a lookalike audience by clicking on 'create audience' and selecting 'Lookalike Audience'.(excuse the quality, this was a screenshot)

Next, select your lookalike source(the custom audience you want to make a 'lookalike' of).

The location you select should be from the country which you have received the most sales from. If you are starting on lookalike audiences, you should already have some sales collected in your data.

Finally, your audience size should have a range of 1% per lookalike audience you create(0-1%, 1-2% etc.). You can create multiple lookalike audience by selecting the drop down next to 'number of lookalike audiences'.

And there you have it! Your very own lookalike audience. Lookalike audiences are unique to your ad account, that's why it's so much cheaper to advertise to a lookalike audience than an interest(less competition).

You would use your lookalike audience the same way you use a custom audience in your re-targeting ads.

Hopefully this helps! If you have anything you would like to clarify, do leave a comment or shoot me an email. I'll reply ASAP!

P.S. Once you've gotten about 1,000 counts for warmer audiences like add to carts, initiate checkouts, and purchases, you should create custom audiences and lookalike audiences for those too. Purchase lookalike audiences are the end goal. Work your way up from website visitors and you'll eventually get there!


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