Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Create Facebook Re-targeting Ads

So you've started Facebook Advertising and have gotten yourself a few clicks and possibly some sales. (If you're not sure how to do this, check out 'How to Create Facebook Interest Ads')

You've got all this data but aren't sure what to do with it. Well, you've come to the right place. 

Facebook pixel data can be used to build custom audiences which you can then use to make your Facebook Advertising more effective. 

Using Facebook pixel data appropriately can help you to increase your ROAS by decreasing your cost per click(CPC) or cost per acquisition(CPA).

If you have any trouble understanding the jargon used, check out my 'Crash Course to Digital Marketing Terms' here!

What is a re-targeting ad?

A re-targeting ad is pretty self-explanatory. It targets your customers again. 

The question here would be, why?

Customers are often differentiated by how warm they are. Warmth in marketing simply means how familiar the customer is with your brand. The warmer they are, the more familiar.

Generally, the further the customer moves down the marketing funnel, the warmer they would be, and the more likely they will convert if you do advertise to them again. In other words, a customer who has added to cart would be more likely to convert than a customer who only clicked on your link. 

This means that re-targeting customers who have added to cart would result in a higher ROAS that re-targeting customers who have clicked on your link.

Create a Custom Audience

Before you can re-target your audience, you need to create one first. 

You can do this by going to the 'audiences' tab of the ads manager, and under custom audience, click on 'Create a Custom Audience'.

Next, you'll have to pick a source to create your audience from. Obviously, you would pick the source you have been driving traffic to.

Finally, choose the criteria to filter your audience by. As mentioned earlier in this post, re-targeting customers who clicked on your link may not be as effective as re-targeting customers who added to cart.

You also should have an audience of at least 1000 people before you start advertising to them. You could start from customers who clicked, buy the more data there is, the better.

Because of this, you should maximize the period of the data collected(the maximum is 'in the past 180 days)

You'll want to create at least 2 audiences, one for the audience you want to re-target, and one for customers who have already purchased. This is so you can exclude the customers who have purchased, so you do not annoy them.

Create Your Re-targeting Ad

Next, you can create an ad using your newly formed audience. 

Create the ad as you normally would, but this time, deselect every country and interest you are targeting. This is because the audience you are targeting already has been filtered down. 

Also, make sure to deselect 'detailed targeting expansion' as that will burn through your budget.

Finally, the budget of your ad shouldn't be more than $5. Advertisers usually set a budget of $3 per re-targeting ads and get wonderful results.

Try it out and let me know how it goes! Re-targeting is extremely powerful in pushing customers who are still on the fence to make the purchase.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email!


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