Sunday, May 10, 2020

How to Create a Facebook Pixel

Facebook pixels are the fundamentals of Facebook advertising. Without pixels, you miss out on the incredibly profitable tools provide by Facebook ads

Facebook pixels behave like cookies. They tag your customers, allowing you to track them and re-target them in the future. Pixels also give you the ability to create lookalike audiences, which is the ultimate goal in Facebook ads.

How to create a Facebook Pixel

1. Create a Facebook Business Manager

The first step is to create your business manager. Simply click here to set up your account

2. Data sources

Facebook Pixel, data sources

Under events manager, you should be able to find a section titled 'Data Sources'. Look for the data source named 'Facebook Pixel' and click on the 'Get Started' button.

3. Name Your Pixel and Website

Facebook Pixel, Naming your pixel

Next, you'll have to name your pixel and enter the website you would like to track.

Click on 'continue'

4. Select a Method to Add Pixel Code

Facebook Pixel, adding pixel code

You'll then have to select how you want to install the pixel code. It's recommended that you use the partner integration tool if you used a third-party platform to create your website.

However, if you built your website from scratch, or do not have support for the third-party platform you used, you can use the other 2 tools to help you install the pixel code.

5. Follow the Instructions

Facebook will now take over, and guide you through how you can install the pixel codes for the respective tools that you selected.

If you have any trouble installing your pixel, feel free to leave a comment or contact me and I will reply ASAP!


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