Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Improve Conversions on Your E-Commerce Website

I've done several guides on Facebook ads, to provide you with some options to increase your ROAS with Facebook advertising.

However, many people get so obsessed with building audiences on Facebook ads that they forget about building lists on their own websites.

Even worse, some even miss out the essentials which make customers purchase. There's no point wasting your advertising dollars if your website simply doesn't convert.

The question then is, how can you tell whether your website is converting well? You simply monitor your traffic closely when you first start. When you notice yourself not making many sales or getting a ROAS of less than 0.8, take a step back to evaluate your website.


After I added reviews to my E-Commerce website, I got my first sale the next day. I know, it sounds like an exaggeration, like one of those 'get rich quick' tactics. But it's 100% true. 

Reviews give your website visitors the final push they need to purchase. It provides them with social proof, which gives them confidence in your product, and hence convinces them to purchase.

Because I was dropshipping, I used an app on Shopify which allowed me to import reviews from my supplier.

If you run your own brand or have your own products and have not gotten your first genuine sale yet, you can ask your friends and family who have purchased to write reviews for you.

You can also 'fake' reviews by writing them yourself, but this isn't recommended due to ethical issues.

Email list

Another important tool e-commerce stores forget to utilize is an email list. Collecting an email list allows you to contact people who have expressed interest in your products by signing up.

This list allows you to send these people promotions and deals so that they would be inclined to purchase.

You can create an email list with email autoresponders. These autoresponders allow you to automate the process of sending out emails, by setting up a sequence which is triggered when someone first signs onto your list.

This sequence can contain discount codes and other promotions. It could also include cross-sells or up-sells to the product which your customer looked at.

The autoresponder which I use is GetResponse.

You can also launch one-time campaigns to send promotions to your existing list.

Customers will be enticed by a pop-up or a blank at the footer saying 'Sign up to our email list for updates!' or 'Sign up to our email list for 5% off your first purchase'.

Product page

Finally, the most important part of your website. The product page. A crucial thing to keep in mind when you're driving traffic through ads is to keep everything consistent.

When you say your product is 50% off in your ad, make sure it displays that on your website. 

If it says 'free shipping' in your ad, make sure it's identical on your website. 

Your product images should also remain similar. Using the same angle, or same model would make customers feel more comfortable, as they would know that they've been brought to the right place after they've clicked the ads.

Inconsistencies cause confusion, raise suspicions and decreases conversion.

These are the things you should know before advertising in any way. Once you know this, and you start advertising, you'll know where to look if you find yourself stuck.

If you have any trouble, do let me know in the comments or contact me, I'll reply ASAP!

Thanks for your time!


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