Monday, April 13, 2020

Is scamming acceptable?

I know, I know, it's a stupid question, but I can't say it has never crossed my mind.

In the make money online(or making money in general) industry, scams are literally hiding in every bush, waiting to pounce on us and take our money.

Disclosure: I want to preface this by saying that I would never scam anyone and I do not encourage scamming of any sorts. This is just an issue which I feel should be discussed. You should not ever start a business which does not provide value.

Why is scamming bad?

I'm sure we've all heard of people getting placed in prison because of scams. But those are only the ones who get caught. 

Scams have a negative connotation, and for good reason. Scams are literally defined as 'a dishonest scheme, a fraud'. Which is... understandable. 
scammer, scam, is scamming acceptable, ethics of scamming
Scams like pyramid schemes tragically tear people's lives apart. Desperate, low income people go to faith healers, join pyramid schemes in hopes of finding a way out, breaking free, only to get the remainder of their bank accounts drained.

Of course there are smaller scams like phishing scams, or siphoning a little by little from the rich, without them even knowing. These are not as harmful, but are harmful nonetheless. It's a complete waste of expertise as these people clearly have the skills and expertise to make a decent living for themselves ethically but they decide to take shortcuts. Shortcuts often lead to short-term profits.

I think scamming is unacceptable from an ethical perspective, and I value integrity above all, hence I am always as honest as possible.

Fraudulence is a crime, the law protects the weak from being taken advantage of by the strong. It gives them a chance to stand on their own two feet.

Why would it ever be acceptable?

I mentioned that starting a scam has in fact cross my mind, but I know better than to execute on it. After all, I have been the victim before. I have no one but myself to blame.

Scamming, ethics of scamming, is scamming acceptable

The way I think of scams is, getting outwitted by the scammer. People hate scams as it makes them the butt of the joke, when they get scammed, they're the sucker, simply because they were foolish enough to fall for it. 

According to Darwinian theory, it's kill or be killed. It's completely acceptable for you to scam another person, because it's just survival of the fittest(or the smartest in this case). 

So to answer the question, it's acceptable because they're animals with no morals. But, you do have to give them credit, they did manage to outsmart us.

I hope this managed to set your mind straight if you wanted to start a scam. If you have any strong objections, please feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email at ''.

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