Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What Do You Write About When You Don't Know What to Write About?

I started my own blog a little over two weeks ago and have been blogging pretty consistently, taking breaks only on weekends. Here are some things I found extremely helpful in getting my creative juices flowing!
Come up with a title
Whenever I write(or type), the biggest obstacle I face is coming up with a title. After coming up with a title, I’ve basically done half the work. I would say that having a title is like opening the floodgates of your mind. 
Title, what to write about

A title gives me a guideline on what I should write about, providing me with a general idea of where I want to take the article. What sucks however, is how long it takes me to actually come up with that title.
The question then would be, how do you actually go about thinking of a title?
Devour *useful* content
When I’m stuck, I usually mope about and watch useful Youtube videos, read, and listen to content which is related to my niche. It may take me several hours to actually come up with anything, but I find that it always helps to trigger something in my brain. On the other hand, I know how easy it is to stumble onto other types of content(*cough* tik *cough* toks) and fall deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole, ending up with you in a sad and lonelier state because you did nothing productive that day. 
Youtube, research, what to write about?

Just put that away for a bit and try to focus on your writing. Don’t give yourself the excuse of ‘taking a break’ until you’ve actually come up with a title or done anything productive at all.

Spar ideas with someone
Doing this has been one of the most effective things to help me find a topic to write about(half of my articles are out because of this). I very often talk to my dad about businesses I’m trying to start and things I should write about. 
Brainstorming, sparring ideas
This helps get me thinking and planning an article which I will write some time in the future. It doesn’t have to be your dad. Find someone close to you who has similar interests to you and your niche and just strike up a conversation. You’ll see that as you talk to that person, ideas will naturally start to form in your head.
Lower your expectations
I know. It sounds strange. Contrary to what school has been telling all of us, I believe that when creating, we shouldn’t limit ourselves by saying, ‘oh, that’s not good enough’ or ‘oh that’s so stupid’. Trust me, I think most of my articles aren’t good enough, but I just post it anyway because I’m 100% willing to learn from my mistakes. If you’re really struggling to do this because you’re a perfectionist, keep this in mind - you can always improve on it after posting it. The point is to get it out there, receive some criticism, and then reflect and improve.

If I missed out anything, please feel free to let me know at 'jingrui.wu.2002@gmail.com'.
If you found this useful, feel free to check out my other posts. Give me a follow if you're interested in joining me on my journey to make a million dollars!


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